NOTE: Lots of semen do not qualify for export out of the United States except as noted.
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#nc601 A & B $500/Straw
FSH Maxamillion (ET,D)
Conventional Semen
USA and export to all countries except China
Registration: 61,600 Color: Black DOB:01/25/2021
Consignor: Four Starr Highlands Olathe, KS [email protected] 913-634-3494 |
FSH Maxamillion sired by Jock of Glengorm (very rare) the first black son of his in the US. Low and behold Maxamillion is the most exciting black bull to come along in quite some time. Through a focused and tedious effort, compiling the influence of genetics both old and new: Orison of Culfoich, SBH Jock of Springbrook, WF Caitlin, DH MacIntosh, STR Savannah, and Jock of Glengorm. Maxamillion is dammed by STR Savannah, Reserve National Grand Champion. He's Power, Performance, Style and Substance. Maxamillion semen will only be offered in Highland Sales in 2024 to increase the value of his offspring.
#NC602 A & B $325/$375/Straw
ewan of highland heritage 19E (D)
Heifer-sexed Semen
USA and export to Canada, Australia, New Zealand
Registration: 60,642 Color: Black DOB:04/20/2017
Consignor: Four Starr Highlands Olathe, KS [email protected] 913-634-3494 |
Ewan of Highland Heritage was imported from Canada for being sired by Calum Seoladair Dubh 2nd of Killochries (D) (Scottish Import). The Killochries fold is known for selecting easy fleshing cattle that maintain on grass alone, with gentle dispositions and Highland characteristics with exceptional horns and head conformation that made us fall in love with the breed.
#NC603 A & B $125/$130/straw
holy cross black jack (pv,D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 58,135 Color: Black DOB:03/24/2018
Consignor: Heather Valley Cattle Co Laramie, WY [email protected] 970-666-1982 Trinity Farms LTC Greeley, CO [email protected] 303-947-2545 |
Ships from: Trinity Farms Greeley, CO
Available for pickup at farm Semen Collection Report Two Lots of five (5) straws each |
Black Jack, where style meets substance. Thie 2018 bull had a tremendous show career, winning Grand Champion across the nation. A correctly built, handsomely muscled sire who has produced beautifully profiling heifers. Their attributes are noticed in the ring. His daughters made notice at this year’s National Show, as Division Junior Yearling Champlion. A truly maternal producing bull, who will fill your pastures with productive beauties.
#NC604 A & B $110/$95/straw
STR Special edition (ai,D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 56,445 Color: Red DOB:04/27/2015
Consignor: Trinity Farms LTC Greeley, CO [email protected] 303-947-2545 |
“Special” is just what this herd sire has been. Thick in his make, natural muscling, heavy haired, great disposition. Large hoof, like none other. Special’s daughters have been Division Champions nationally. Passing on his docile nature, his progeny have been presented by young Juniors. A son of the famous Sunset Limited Edition. Expect his calves to be something special!
#NC605 A & B $195/$200/straw
finley falls duncan (D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 54,601 Color: Dun DOB:01/09/2015
Consignor: Trinity Farms LTC Greeley, CO [email protected] 303-947-2545 |
Ships from: Nebraska Bull Service McCook, NE
Semen Collection Report Two Lots of five (5) straws each |
A deep bodied, structurally correct bull that presents an exceptional hoof and stout leg. Duncan packs a frame of natural muscling with a fluid ease of motion. His silver dam’s sire, the LEA first herd sire, GOF Ralph 21R, demonstrated tremendous growth on grass and daughters who had improved udder qualities and milk production. Duncan’s paternal lineage is full of natural made power and superior genetic docility. This combination of genetic influence has produced feed efficient, deep sided, easy fleshing very functional cattle. The gentle dispositions shine through this pedigree packed full of known docility. Undefeated in his show career, this multi-national champion will increase productivity in your herd.
#NC606 A & B $110/$200/straw
fph blackstone (D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 54,346 Color: Black DOB:05/04/2014
Consignor: Silva's Highlands LaSalle, CO [email protected] 303-818-6564 |
Welcome to production. This black bull produces wide topped, stout, muscled calves built on a sturdy thick set of legs. Blackstone was high selling bull in the 2017 National Sale. He also had the largest REA of 23.24, heaviest weight of 1801 pounds at 2½ years old, as well as the lowest back fat of .085, and the most intramuscular fat of 4.87%. Blackstone’s paternal grand-sire is the famous DH Churchill. His maternal genetics come from the McDonald of ESK Scottish lineage.
#NC607 A & B $100/$90/straw
fph jasper (pv,D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 54,348 Color: Red DOB: 04/02/2015
Consignor: Silva's Highlands LaSalle, CO [email protected] 303-818-6564 |
A powerful offering from Silva’s Highlands. Jasper was the heaviest bull at the 2018 NWSS at 1831 pounds, and the largest REA of 24.69. A red bull who demonstrates a large, solid hoof with carriage well designed to support his substantial frame. All this and a very handsome profile as well. A pedigree of superior Highland genetics are found in Jasper’s lineage.
#NC608 A & B $90/$75/straw
CSF Roosevelt (D)
Conventional Semen
NT821 Free (Neogen tested) |
USA only
Registration: 59,312 Color: Red DOB: 05/06/2018
Consignor: Climbing Stump Farm Harris, MN [email protected] 651-210-4790 |
CSF Roosevelt is a smooth muscled Scottish style bull in the GOF Ralph line. Of the 27 Roosevelt offspring born on our farm, 22 have been heifers. Roosevelt’s offspring have shown good growth and structure. Roosevelt’s sire, CSF Rutherford, was Division Champion Intermediate Yearling Bull in Denver, and the 1st Place Intermediate Yearly Bull in AHCA’s ROE ranking in 2018, his only year of showing. In Roosevelt’s only showing he was Reserve Intermediate Champion Yearling Bull in Denver. Roosevelt’s dam, Gray Owl’s Brianna is an impact dam with eight offspring. More information at
#NC609 A & B $328/$352/straw
wl genesis (et,pv,d)
Heifer-sexed Semen
NT821 Free |
USA and export to Canada, Australia
Registration: 59,067 Color: Silver DOB: 04/08/2018
Consignor: Highland Genetics Princeton, MN [email protected] 763-260-1001 |
This silver bull is the son of Angus 8th Dunvegan, a Scottish import. Angus was an extremely long bull whose tremendous Scottish character he passed on to Genesis. His dam is Black Watch Portia, a fancy silver cow that was shown extensively. Genesis was 70 lbs. at birth, 725 lbs. at one year old, and 1950 lbs. at 60 months. This is on a grass-fed beef producing operation. His 2020-23 calf birth weight average was 66 lbs. His calves are extremely square with good feet and legs and are super docile, like Genesis. More information at
#NC610 A & B $275/$251/straw
str encore (et,pv,d)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 62,210 Color: Brindle DOB: 05/04/2020
Consignor: Highland Genetics Princeton, MN [email protected] 763-260-1001 |
2023 National AHCA Champion Bull. He weighed 1,822 with a ribeye of 18.3 inches in Jan 2023. He is long, extremely wide, and absolutely correct. Plus, this Athletic bull walks like a cat, absolutely correct in every movement. He is the full brother of STR Revolution, a NWSS National Champion Bull. His mother is the only three-time NWSS National Champion Female, STR Enchanted. His grandsire was an Australian National Champion. This brindle boy is cool, calm, and collected on halter and loves to be brushed. He brings the whole package. More information at
#NC611 A & B $80/straw
wild river bear (ai,pv,d)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 65,372 Color: Black DOB: 09/07/2019
Consignor: Highland Genetics Princeton, MN [email protected] 763-260-1001 |
With hard-to-find genetics, Bear is a long, wide bull with lots of dimension. His dam is a well-made yellow cow from the famous Gray Owl Farms who was sired by GH Mr Chips and out of JAR Fern. Bear’s sire was a Royal Canadian Champion Sire and is known for stamping his progeny with high muscling throughout the hip and topline, strong feet, and quiet demeanors. Bear has the kind of easy-going temperament and strong Scottish presence you want. His calf-crops have produced strong, well-structured animals with his docility. Learn more at
#NC612 A & B $142/$147/straw
philip of glengorm (D)
Conventional Semen
USA and export to Canada, EU
Registration: 64,533 Color: Red DOB: 02/23/2020
Consignor: Highland Genetics Princeton, MN [email protected] 763-260-1001 |
The first import from Glengorm castle since Jock of Glengorm in the 1980’s. Philip of Glengorm packs those Glengorm genetics and almost 100 years’ worth of Scottish Highland cattle breeding into a traditional Scottish-style bull. Philip of Glengorm’s pedigree is a who’s-who of UK-based genetics. Most of these genetics have never been publicly available through A.I. in the past. Philip of Glengorm is structurally correct, walks with an athletic stride and brings depth and length. Semen will sell with a contract to be used for A.I. only, with no rights to produce embryos. Learn more at
#NC613 A & B $140/$130/straw
CBS no excuses (ai,D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 59,493 Color: Silver DOB: 01/08/2019
Consignor: Highland Genetics Princeton, MN [email protected] 763-260-1001 |
CBS No Excuses is a perfect name. His pedigree, structure, and demeanor, speak perfection. No Excuses is sired by the two-time National Grand Champion bull Finely Falls Duncan. Duncan was shown in 10 shows across the country for 2 consecutive years. He was in front of 9 different judges and took Grand Champion every time. No Excuses Dam is Skye High Excuse my French she was the 2017 National Reserve Grand Champion. She is sired by the very famous, highly used bull Skye High Cornerstone. This list goes on and on with names in his pedigree that are well known.
#NC614 A & B $232/$207/straw
WL jaguar (ai,D)
Heifer-sexed Semen
USA and export to Canada
Registration: 61,138 Color: Dun DOB: 04/03/2020
Consignor: Highland Genetics Princeton, MN [email protected] 763-260-1001 |
WL Jaguar is as cool and collected as you can find in a bull. He is super docile, halter broke and easily leads from pasture at the site of a bucket. His sire, Finley Falls Duncan, won the Champion Bull at more than 10 shows in a row. He is the only bull to win the NWSS (Denver) as the Champion Bull two years in a row. His dam is a tremendous cow, Schon Boden's Josie, who weighs 1,495 lbs. at 13 years old. Josie is an American Highland Cattle Association (AHCA) Impact Dam.
#NC615 A & B $92/$110/straw
windemere helix (et,pv,D)
Conventional Semen
NT821 Free |
USA only
Registration: 59,218 Color: Red DOB: 03/11/2019
Consignor: Windemere Farm Junction City, WI [email protected] 715-600-4200 |
Windemere Helix is the only bull from the mating of an Australian National Champion and a US National Champion. Samhach Buidhe of Barnsley was noted for combining good feet, growth, frame and correctness along with a good temperament. Yarnelle Farms Betula may be best known as a show champion whose progeny also proved themselves in the show ring. Like his sire, Helix stood squarely on a strong set of feet and legs with impressive width at the base. He was fast growing with a yearling weight of 695 lb and pictured here on pasture at 3 years of age.
#NC616 A & B $130/straw
windemere hotshot (ai,pv,D)
Conventional Semen
NT821 Free |
USA only
Registration: 60,477 Color: Red DOB: 09/03/2019
Consignor: Windemere Farm Junction City, WI [email protected] 715-600-4200 |
This stout, well-muscled yellow bull combines some of today's hottest genetics! He is structurally correct, walks on a solid set of feet and legs, and comes from a female with a fantastic udder. He is consistently producing offspring with the sought after combination of structure, performance and eye appeal with an average birthweight of 63 lb. His heifers stood first and second in their classes at the 2024 National Western Stock Show and one took home the division reserve banner in a big class of yearlings. We are using him at home and are excited to offer his genetics
#NC617 A & B $67/$71/straw
buddy of river view (D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 50,752 Color: Dun DOB: 05/07/2011
Consignor: Flatland Farm, LLC Elkton, MN [email protected] 507-481-7367 |
Buddy of River View is a dun bull with excellent feet, long body and a large square hip. These desirable traits have been consistently passed down to all offspring produced on our farm. Buddy has also improved the udders on the heifers retained from him. In the time we have used Buddy no matter the pairing he has only thrown dun, black and silver offspring. His calves were of average birth weight providing easy calving, but the weaning weight of the steers from him were above average compared to other bulls we have used on the same cows.
#NC618 $90/straw
fieldstone macnair (D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 37,649 Color: Silver DOB: 04/02/2002
Consignor: Fieldstone Farm Allegan, MI [email protected] 269-217-8682 |
Fieldstone McNair (AHCA # 37649) is a moderately framed silver bull. He is out of wonderful genetic lines including Drover Hill, LEA, EZ Acres & Osceola. His calves have small birthweight and are growthy. Both his Purebred and crossbred calves have grow out well and yielded well for the breeder’s beef and breeding programs. Fred and Valerie White are offering these straws to benefit the NCHCA junior program.
Proceeds of this sale will be donated to the NCHCA Juniors.
Proceeds of this sale will be donated to the NCHCA Juniors.
#NC619 $70/straw
almosta farm's samuel (D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 45,110 Color: Red DOB: 04/04/2007
Consignor: Fieldstone Farm Allegan, MI [email protected] 269-217-8682 |
Almosta Farm’s Samuel (AHCA # 45110) is a red standard framed bull. He is out of wonderful genetic lines including Homeboy of Five Star, Spring Flight Connecticut Yankee. His Dam Schon Boden Selena produced the most amazing female line with easy calving cows, beautiful dispositions, lovely udders and a lineage of fantastic females! This lot is offered by Fred and Valerie White to benefit the NCHCA Juniors
Proceeds of this sale will be donated to the NCHCA Juniors.
Proceeds of this sale will be donated to the NCHCA Juniors.
#NC620 A&B $281/$270/straw
lea rhys evans (PV,D)
Heifer-sexed Semen
NT821 Free |
USA and export to Canada**, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand
Registration: 62,608 Color: Dun DOB: 08/06/2021
Consignor: LEA-White Farms Charlotte, MI [email protected] 517-331-6999 |
Ships from: Great Lakes Sire Service Bronson, MI
** Canadian Semen: WestGen Abbottsford, BC EastGen Guelph, ON Semen Evaluation Two Lots of five (5) straws each |
This young bull was an easy pick as outstanding calf at his mother’s side, Stout, thick, correct and easy-fleshing with tremendous breed character: traits he retained in full as he grew. His sire is a thick, incredibly correct son of Sunset Rebel Yell (Grand Champion many times over and undefeated during his Canadian show career.) His dam is a daughter of LEA Hedy, Grand Champion Heifer at the 2013 NWSS and Grand Champion Cow/calf again in 2016 with Rhys’ mother at her side. Semen is CSS certified and sexed at ABS in Madison, Wisconsin. Quality every step of the way.
#NC621 A&B $302/$298/straw
somerset brodie axel (D)
Heifer-sexed Semen
NT821 Free |
USA and export to Canada**, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand
Registration: 63,477 Color: Silver DOB: 04/22/2021
Consignor: LEA-White Farms Charlotte, MI [email protected] 517-331-6999 |
Ships from: Great Lakes Sire Service Bronson, MI
** Canadian Semen: WestGen Abbottsford, BC EastGen Guelph, ON Semen Evaluation Two Lots of five (5) straws each |
Here’s your chance for genetics from a top-quality bull, purchased at a farm dispersal; an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. Long, muscular and correct, Axel has proven himself to become a gentleman in the field and an aggressive breeder. His dam is LEA Annie, sold as a calf, who proved to be a reliable and productive mother. Her pedigree includes LEA Edradour, an exceptional son of DH Montgomery. On the top side, Axel’s grandsire is LEA Kennet, a gorgeous son of Sunset Rebel Yell, Canadian Grand Champion many times over. Quality, pedigree, silver and heifer-sexed!!!! You can’t go wrong.
#NC622 A&B $110/$100/straw
lea niadh (PV,D)
Conventional Semen
NT821 Free |
USA and export to Canada**, Argentina, Chile
Registration: 57,933 Color: Red DOB: 09/21/2017
Consignor: LEA-White Farms Charlotte, MI [email protected] 517-331-6999 |
Ships from: Great Lakes Sire Service Bronson, MI
** Canadian Semen: WestGen Abbottsford, BC EastGen Guelph, ON Semen Evaluation Two Lots of five (5) straws each |
This 2019 NWSS Reserve Grand Champion Bull was either Grand or Reserve Grand any time he set foot in the show ring, including Grand Champion at the 2018 World Beef Expo, the NC Highland Show and the 2019 Michigan State Fair. His daughters are gorgeous, oozing breed character and structurally hard to beat. His bull calves are masculine, thick, deep, correct and confident. His sire is Canadian Grand Champion many times over Sunset Rebel Yell. His AHCA Impact Dam is a Champion herself. Always a gentleman, with tremendous presence, and exceptionally prepotent. A standout from the day he was born.
#NC623 A&B $90/$80/straw
dh montgomery (ai,D) +
Conventional Semen
NT821 Free |
USA only
Registration: 27,923 Color: Dun DOB: 05/04/1995
Consignor: LEA-White Farms Charlotte, MI [email protected] 517-331-6999 |
Here is your opportunity to buy semen from an overlooked and underused AI sire. Serving as a herd bull at LEA-White for over 10 years, he produced outstanding offspring; structurally correct with heavy bone, deep-bodies, good feet , excellent udders and easy-going dispositions. Very few of his offspring made it into the show ring but those that did made their mark. In addition to producing a couple of Cow/Calf Champions, Including a Grand Champion Cow at the 2007 NWSS, he figured prominently in the pedigrees of a number of high-selling animals of both sexes at many National Highland Sales.
#NC624 A&B $135/$130/straw
black watch finn (et,pv,D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 48,201 Color: Red DOB: 01/07/2009
Consignor: Spring Flight Farms Elmira, NY [email protected] 607-731-3487 |
Ships from: Interglobe Sire Services Pontiac, IL
Semen Collection Report Two Lots of five (5) straws each |
Black Watch Finn was purchased as a yearling. He was shown as a junior yearling, then at two started his job breeding. He is gentle, easy to manage, and has produced his share of wonderful females. He has tremendous depth and breadth, walks out well and just has beautiful conformation. If you are looking for Scottish influence, take a look at his pedigree. Fingal of Auchnacraig semen imported to US and the donor dam was by some of the last original imported to the US by Kiyiwana Farms.
#NC625 A&B $111/$111/straw
str ruthless game (AI,D)
Conventional Semen
USA and export to Argentina, Chile, New Zealand
Registration: 53,128 Color: Red DOB: 01/03/2014
Consignor: Spring Flight Farms Elmira, NY [email protected] 607-731-3487 |
Ships from: Hawkeye Breeders Services Adel, IA
Semen Collection Report Two Lots of five (5) straws each |
Ruthless Game, soon to be 11 years old, is still young at heart. He throws consistently correct offspring generally in the 70# range. Ruthless Game is easy to handle and his calves have the same disposition. At the 2023 National Show his two heifers and one bull (all by different farms) garnered Grand Champion Get-of-Sire. Previously, he was a national show Reserve Grand Champion and the ROE Bull of the Year. His offspring do well in the ring and thrive on the pasture.
#NC626 A&B $275/straw
mccloud sir duncan (pv,D)
Heifer-sexed Semen
USA only
Registration: 62,715 Color: Red DOB: 05/05/2017
Consignor: Rocky Flats Ranch Hygiene, CO [email protected] 303-532-1981 |
Ships from: Rocky Mountain Sire Services Bennett, CO
Semen Evaluation Two Lots of five (5) straws each |
Duncan is a bull who moves fluidly and has a quality foot structure. He excels in hip/pin design, length of body and overall size. Dunch is a red bull with genetics from Skye High Farms, such as 2010 NWSS Reserve Grand Champion Bull RTH VanNorman (D). The average birth weight for calves is 63 pounds. Based on these genetics, Sir Duncan will sire calves with above-average growth rates and muscling, plus a good dose of feet and udder quality. His pedigree is also stacked with correct skeletal structure throughout. Heifer-sexed semen straws were produced via STgenetics.
#NC627 A&B $72/$82/straw
cbs jameson (ai,D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 53,213 Color: Dun DOB: 02/15/2014
Consignor: Grace Canyon Farm Gothenburg, NE [email protected] 308-529-0781 |
CBS Jameson offers a lot more than just your typical kaleidoscope of colors that comes from a dun bull. Weighing 712# as a yearling, a ribeye area surpassing the ribeye area per hundred weight ratio (REA/CWT). His EPD's excel in the top 10% of weaning and yearling weights. Add that he is in the top 30% of maternal weaning weight. You're guaranteed success for growthy, productive calves. Jameson compounds a tremendous package- long sided, structurally balanced with great locomotion. He's admirably built to produce calves for longevity and productivity that are very pleasing on the eyes.
#NC628 A&B $55/$68/straw
lea detroit (D)
Conventional Semen
USA only
Registration: 49,172 Color: Red DOB: 04/05/2009
Consignor: Grace Canyon Farm Gothenburg, NE [email protected] 308-529-0781 |
LEA Detroit was used heavily in the Grace Canyon breeding program due to his ability to produce tremendously beautiful and extremely functional females. A son of Sunset Rebel Yell, and grandson of the acclaimed Sunset Limited Edition. Detroit's dam is an elite impact dam whose pedigree yields cattle with traditional Scottish characteristics, docility, great females with excellent udder qualities. A superb bull with the qualities that will enhance your herd.
NOTE: Lots of semen do not qualify for export out of the United States except as noted.
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On all lots, buyer pays shipping and must take possession within 60 days of the sale date.
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